
New Music Business Briefing: Mecora Goes Mobile With Microsoft, ShoZu Enables Mobile Promo & More

>>> Brigt Eyes frontman goes on record about "selling out" and his own path to success.Mercora

>>> Microsoft plans to announce a distribution deal to make Mercora’s newly updated social radio service, Mercora M v2, available for Windows Mobile devices.

>Nettwerk>> Details of Sprint’s plan to sell 99 cents over the air downloads emerge.

>>> Electronic Arts and Nettwerk form new label Artwerk.

>>> A new Pyramid Research report claims that subscription services will transform the Mobile music market.  Now, they said that about both PC and device based subscriptions services too.

>>> Warner Records extends it partnership with ShoZu providing more bands with the cell handsets which enable instant uploads to MySpace, YouTube and more.

>>> MusicPlusTV.com relaunches with new content and features.

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