
New Business Briefing: Rubin In, Granite Up, Reznor Mad, Sprint Mixed & More

>>> It’s Official. Rick Rubin will bring his American Recordings to Columbia and hold an executive position. (Reuters)

>>> Capital/EMI will re-release the entire solo Paul McCartney catalog via digital download. Are the Emi
Beatles next?

>>> A hedge fund group is contemplating a lower bid for EMI on the pretense that it would not face the same EU regulatory hurdles that WMG would.

>>> NIN frontman Trent Reznor eloquently attacked the record industry on his blog.

>>> Adan Granite moves from Epic’s SVP Finance & Operations to the GM position overseeing operations under Charlie Walk

>>> A look at how the labels are exploring various ad supported music models.Riaa_toiletpaper

>>> AP has an update on the current RIAA activity targeting college students.

Mouse WORTHY CLICK: Sprint pushes the envelope of what a phone company is withSprint_2 MixSherpa.com where fans can create personalized playlists and get feedback from the likes
of Ian Westbury and DJSupahboy5.

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