
New Music Business Briefing: EMI Goes To Vietnam, Net Radio Gets Reprieve & Much More

>>> EMI, through its Singaporean unit, has become the first major label to cut a digital distribution deal in Vietnam via an agreement with Mobile Solutions Services, a leading local mobile distribution and content aggregation company.

>>> A NARM session "Winning At The Digital Game" pushed retailers to jump on the digital bandwagon before its too late.Creative_zen_stone

>>> Creative adds a very small $40 1 gig Zen Stone to its player line.

>>> Web broadcasters are hopeful that much higher royalty rates will be rolled back after a day of group lobbying in DC; and they’re postponing their "day of (net broadcasting) silence"

>>> Pandora is going to start blocking non-US listeners and is sighting the recent CRB higher royalty rates as the reason.

>>> Congrats to industry vet Mike Krebs for grabbing the booking gig at the new AEG Nokia Live concert venue set to open this Fall in LA.

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