Major Labels

AnywhereCD Back In Business Selling WMG MP3/CD Bundles

The lawyers have stopped filing suits and counter suits long enough for Warner Music Group and AnywhereCD to settled their dispute.

Anywherecd According to a press release, "In the course of settlement discussions, it became clear that the parties had differences as to both the scope of their agreement and the direction of the business model. As a result, the parties mutually agreed to an early termination of their current relationshipWmg
as of September 30, 2007, until which time AnywhereCD will continue to sell WMG content as bundles of shipped physical CDs with immediately available corresponding downloadable MP3 albums."

Grab your WMG bundles whil you still can. Oh wait a minnute…save some money and just b y the CD and rip it.

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