
Recent Comments Worth Noting…

EmiIn response to a thread of comments on the need for more youth and fewer VP’s at the major labels responding to our post on Microsoft’s M Paramasivam being named EMI’s global VP of Technology, Parma himself added:

‘I am a music loving junkie (not too old I hope). Never been an exec. And I cannot resist this, I am an Indian as well.’

Last_fmThere was an interesting back and forth over "Last.FM Demands Indies Waive Royalties" between Last.FM and Bill Wilson of indie label Blackout.  Last.FM pointed towards this clarification saying that they do pay royalties to SoundExchange and Wilson replied:

"Sure, they paid Soundexchange. However, they paid in as a small webcaster (about 20k) just prior to inking with CBS for 280 million…

I don’t dislike Last.fm, I’m a paid subscriber to the service as well as keeping my stuff up on the site. I’d also like to find out what their recent deal with SONY cost. I’m pretty sure they don’t get the same deal. All I want is a level playing field and some kind of consideration for helping them raise 280 million".

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