
Rhapsody Launches Special MP3 Store

Rhapsody is trying tried to simplify the process of finding which tracks it is offering DRM free with a new section dubbed The MP3 Directory

By browsing the alphabetical listings listings in the directory, consumers see what Rhapsody can sell as universally compatible mp3’s.  Pricing is generally 89 cents for subscribers and 99 cents for everyone else – less than the same DRM free tracks in AAC on iTunes, but more for non-subscribers than on WalMart.com.

We noticed during our test of Rhapsody that when searching for tracks in the general store it was not clear which where being offered DRM free.  Only by shopping within the MP3 directory could you be sure what you’re buying carries no copy protection. Hopefully this will be corrected as Real refines its mp3 strategy and integrates features from its new partners MTV and Verizon. The MP3 Directory was undoubtedly created quickly to counter growing competition including the all mp3 store that Amazon is launching this month.

Among the major download stores now only Napster has not announced plans to add DRM free downloads.  Surprisingly, none of the major download outlets is making available the hundreds of thousands of tracks that indie labels have available DRM free on eMusic.

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