
Songza Creates Viral Net Jukebox

Songza.com is a music search engine that acts as a free internet jukebox.  It locates songs posted on the net and lets you listen to them in their entirety and add them to playlists or blogs.

Choose the song or artist you wish and Songza will search and play it. Its all presented via a clutter-free design and transparent remote control (play, share, rate and add to playlist)  The rating system lets users vote up or down on a song, which results in the whittling up or down of songs depending on their artistic or audio quality. "Add to playlist" enables users to create lists of their favorites and "Share" lets the send songs to friends, link to them, embed them on a website, or watch the video on YouTube. New features will be added in time.

Unlike KaZaa or Bit Torrent, Songza does not enable unauthorized downloads of digital music files; users can only listen to songs, not obtain copies. And unlike Last.fm or Rhapsody, Songza permits users to choose exactly the song or artist they want to hear, and does not require them to subscribe or pay for the service.

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  1. Come on Bruce, try to be balanced. Unlike Rhapsody, Songza plays mostly poor quality youtube videos.

  2. Ho-ho! What an ingenious idea for a YouTube skin: YouTube without the videos, the credits, the commentary, the promo/release info, or the ads. Someone give this guy a MacArthur Genius Grant or something.
    You know you’re doing something special when
    you’ve got YouTube feeling violated! LOL.
    Someone needs to remind this kid why Einstein’s command to “make solutions as simple as possible and no simpler” supercedes even Hick’s Law.
    Seriously, when you see brainiac schemes like this you have to wonder whether kids today even like music? I mean would it kill these guys to drop buy buttons in there?
    Here’s a hint, Aza: next time you’re in the shower thinking about how you’re gonna revolutionize music search, could you pretty please consider skinning a legitimate licensed database like Napster or Rhapsody or imeem instead of hacking the most minimally DMCA-compliant one? Bonus points if you mod it to be MORE artist-friendly instead of LESS.

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