
MP3 Search & Save Site Hushie Shuts Down

Music search engine Hushie scoured the web for mp3’s and while you could not playlist them you could save songs for playback later. No more:

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  1. What is the business sense for the labels to sue one site after another off the market that enables users to compile playlists from the stuff they give away for free anyway?
    I haven’t used this website, but I tried out muxtape and found it was a good place to set up a playlist to show some online-only friends what kind of music I like, compiled from the stuff that labels put out there for free.
    I’ve tried out music recommendation software, too, and found that once you click on related artists, it converges quickly – therefore disabling it from broadening the potential customer’s horizons.
    With the community of music lovers on the net, that is different, because they know the good stuff and conversations with real people are less likely to converge than programmed ones, which we know since the famous Eliza. That’s why users of Muxtape and its clones and their mixes are a much better source for music discovery than such software. So why does sueing them off the net make business sense? Because these users will then email ripped files or burn CD-Rs and can be sued as well, to generate revenue?

  2. it makes perfect sense to sue them… most of these songs were not being “given away” by the labels as Yannick asserts; the only reason that closing this site would bother anyone is because they’re getting songs that they should & would be paying for. Getting paid for marketing music is not a crime

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