
eMusic Data Supports Long Tail

The Long Tail theory has come under heavy fire recently. But eMusic says the critics are wrong and that 75% its indie-only 5 million track catalog sold at least once during 2008.

"eMusic is the Long Tail," said Madeleine Milne, eMusic Managing Director, Europe. The theory that the internet enables businesses to sell a large selection of goods in small quantities to a large population of customers at minimum cost was popularized as the "Long Tail" by Chris Anderson of Wired magazine in 2004.

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  1. let’s get real here, this is one service – a sub-based one, at that! every other serious look at long-tail shows it to be essentially a myth.
    btw, i
    m an ideie artist with records still in print. i’d LOVE for long-tail to be true. but it ain’t. it’s wishful thinking…

  2. yet when i go to the emusic site i have no idea what it costs without inputting my name/address/email! wtf

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