
A Free Ticket To Digital Music Forum East

Digital music forum east
If you can be in New York City this coming Wednesday and Thursday February 25-26, I've got a pass to Digital Music Forum East in exchange for some coverage of the event. It's shaping up to be a very strong conference well worth attending even if you have to pay.

DEADLINE MIDNIGHT EST MONDAY 2/23: If you think you deserve this free ticket and are willing to write a couple of short posts for Hypebot, leave a comment below with your email address (preferred) or email me a very brief description of why you should win the free pass and maybe a link to a writing sample. A winner will be announced on Tuesday morning 2/224.

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  1. 1.)First to RT this post (unselfish)

    2.) First to comment (ahead of the curve)

    3.)Need a vacation from my day job in tech marketing (no excuse for that)

    4.) Working a new blog specifically on the topic of marketing digital music @ http://eleetmusic.com (to be released on 2/25 & 2/26)

    5.) Read hypebot daily (its my bible, my nytimes)

  2. Firstly, I’m the only regular rss reader of hypebot who is not only an ASCAP recording songwriter/singer/artist in a new electro folk pop band called Canorous (we’re releasing our first full 16 track digital-only album in three languages across four continents this March) but is also a Digital Music executive at a pre-series A start up, Global Media Bank, from Sweden http://globalmediabank.com, the first digital royalty settlement and collection platform for digital online and mobile retail storefronts and all labels (we power Spotify!).
    Secondly, I’m a Mobile Internet industry content veteran, who has worked for seven pre-series A start ups over the last 15 years.
    Furthermore, I’m one of a handful of digital renaissance men, who are composers, writers, and, sportsmen: in my case, a semi-professional Ironman and Olympic triathlete who has been to the Olympic trials in 2000 and 2004.
    Finally, what OTHER reader has the insight to see every angle of the digital value chain–from back-end digital systems to the artist pov, to consumer consumption habits–than I that also has the competency and clarity to write about it?
    Thanks very much for your consideration, Bruce.
    Kindest regards,

  3. 1. hypebot is in my google reader
    2. i love music
    3. and technology
    4. it’s a recession
    5. i don’t have the $999
    6. i will actually attend everything
    7. i have an objective opinion
    8. i’m not trying to get my music heard or do any sort of business
    9. i don’t have the answers that will save the music business or pretend to
    10. i’ve worked in this space for quite some time

  4. I’d love to be a part of the conference, and hope to speak at the next one. As the founder of evolvor.com, I’ve spent the better part of five years learning how to use the web to promote and distribute content, and do so specifically for artists and musicians.
    Some of my content has even been linked to here at Hypebot, and you can be sure that my time there will be documented professionally.
    It would be great to share some of my ideas on how to change this industry (for the better) with those involved in person!

  5. Would appreciate your consideration to represent Hypebot at the Digital Music Forum because:
    • According to hopstop.com it’s a 44-minute commute door-to-door for me — which will allow me to actually read the NY Post in the morning.
    • I’m an old school label sales head and relationship guy with a new school passion for social media channels… I will tweet during the day.
    • Would love to hear The State of the Digital Union panel to garner perspective as to where the industry is headed.
    • I’m a convention veteran having attended NARM for the better part of two decades. The best conversations are often had outside of the conference rooms.
    • Freshly shined shoes are ready for action.
    • I think all of the other submissions above are worthy choices: perhaps you award/select an entire Hypebot tweet team to attend?

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