
Daily DIY – How To Create A Band Facebook Page

Recently Mike B decided to create a presence on Facebook for his blog GarageSpin which focuses on trends and technologies for garage-based home recording studios with great side 
trips looking at the challenges and opportunities that indie musicians face. 

Social networking giant Facebook is an opportunity, and this week on Hypebot's Daily DIY Mike shares how to create a presence on Facebook.  Yesterday he explained the differences between Facebook "pages"and "profiles" and today he explains how to get started.

How To Create Band Facebook Page

Create a Faceboook Page

It takes about 2 minutes:

  1. Use your Facebook login to access your account (or create a new one).
  2. Then go to the Create New Facebook Page.
  3. Select the 3rd radio button titled "Artist, Band, or Public Figure".
  4. Then select "Band" or "Musician" (or whatever applies) in the dropdown box.
  5. Click on "Create Page".
  6. Your
    Facebook Page now exists. Now pimp it out with stuff. (Note: When you
    upload your music, you will need to upload a driver's license or
    passport photo to verify your ID.)

Next: How To Add Music To Facebook

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  1. I don’t have a scanner, so I couldn’t send Facebook my driver’s license 🙁
    But I was doing some googling, and I found this player: http://www.rootmusic.com . It’s pretty cool – it let me upload songs and make a Myspace-looking “Bandpage” tab for my fan page. I just started it, but it works pretty well so far 🙂

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