
Umair Haque Calls For A Radical Reinvention Of The Music Industry

Umair-haque Omar Haque is a thinker. As the director of Havas Media and before that with Bubblegneration, Haque is a strategic adviser who helps investors, entrepreneurs, and firms experiment with, craft, and drive radical management, business model, and strategic innovation.  His outsider view of the music industry – untethered by the opinions of someone who "knows" better is both refreshing and unsettling.

Fille-sharing is not to blame for the drop in profits but rather, says Hauck the music industry’s loss of credibility – for which the industry itself is to blame – subsequently led consumers to look for alternatives or perhaps, even to rebel. From there, Haque goes on to suggest solutions.

Video of a January address after the jump:

via the Topspin Green Room

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  1. Very insightful use of economics of information, notably moral hazard. I would love to see a more detailed and rigourous economic analysis of his views and solutions!

  2. we’re assuming we even need an ‘industry’ or gatekeepers. i just find and talk to fans/customers directly 🙂
    if you think of music as content, tons of entrepreneurs release their content (ebooks, audio, video, etc) without the need for an industry, label or to get signed. they just release it, market it and build their own following.

  3. I always find it interesting listening to people
    (masquerading as consultants) who have never been directly involved in the music business give their take on how to fix the music industry. This gentlemen is obviously inexperienced and quite unconfident about his analysis because he continually looks for you to agree “right”.
    Excellent new software tools and websites are popping up everyday providing great solutions for artists and the creative community. The new model is evolving right before our eyes everyday – quite exciting.

  4. this is very valuable knowledge omar is sharing. perhaps there are holes that can be punched here or there-but what idea is totally exempt from objection?
    personally i found inspiration in the thoughts that were shared in the video. it caused me to think from a different angle-i drew conclusions that would not have otherwise occurred to me.
    i believe an objective perspective from individual(s) outside the industry is a priceless resource to tap. to disregard all that is discussed in the video is a bit counter intuitive.

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