
10 Most Creative People In Music Business According To Fast Company

As part of an issue on creativity, business magazine Fast Company has named the "The 100 Most Creative People In Business" and it's "10 Most Creative People In The Music Business" are:

  1. Fast Co 100 Most DeAndre "Soulja Boy Tell'em" Way, 18 year old rapper/producer
  2. Tim Westergren, Chief Strategy Officer & Founder, Pandora
  3. Alexandra Patsavas, Owner, Chop Shop Music Supervision
  4. Gregg Gillis, aka mashup artist Girl Talk
  5. Pharrell Williams, Musician, producer (Neptunes)
  6. A.R. Rahman, Composer "Slumdog Millionaire"
  7. Jimmy Iovine, Chairman, Interscope Geffen A&M Records
  8. Bart Decrem, CEO of Tapulous
  9. Dave Stewart, Musician, record producer and entrepeneuer
  10. Brian Eno, Musician and producer

Who do you think are the most creative people in the music business?

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  1. Definitely wouldn’t have put Soulja Boy at the top…I can see the reasoning behind him being here though. The others are excellent choices.

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