YouTube & Video

WMG Pulls Audio From “Keyboard Cat” On YouTube

Watch But Don't Listen

Popular internet meme "the keyboard cat" showed up in a video mashup that
also includes the song "You Make My Dreams Come True".  The song had been shipped off
to oldies heaven until someone mixed a keyboard playing cat into the original Hall & Oates video. 350,000 YouTube views into it's resurection, WMG  had a enough and forced a takedown.

Who lost? WMG who lost any the chance to monetize new interest in the mothballed track.

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  1. so, what exactly does hypebot think WMG should have done? plz say something more specific than your generic ‘monetize’

  2. Just more nails in the “we-don’t-really-care-about-fans” coffin! Here’s a tip WMG: If someone cares enough about a song to put that kinda creative energy into it, THAT’S A GOOD THING! Like it or not, this is a remix culture. WMG was done with it, and rightfully had partial ownership to the mash-up. Next time why not squeeze a few more bucks out of a resurrected hit by jumping on board with what works? (sponsors anyone?)

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