
How Far Is Too Far? Kurt Cobain Sings Bon Jovi

Many had already questioned whether a rock star who based much of his career and even his suicide note on a struggle for authenticity should be resurrected from the dead to star in the video game Guitar Hero 5. But then came the YouTube video of Kurt Cobain singing Bon Jovi’s “You Give Love A Bad Name”.

A feature in Guitar Hero that makes it possible for artists to perform each others songs can lead to some unfortunate pairings, and Kurt Cobain singing “You Give Love A Bad Name” as if to let ex-wife Cortney Love know that he doesn’t approve of this use of his image certainly classifies as poor taste.

Ex-band mates claim shock. Love denies that she knew anything like this could ever happen. And Kurt sings on…

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  1. I’ve been a Nirvana fan since… well, since everyone else, but I have to admit I didn’t see an issue with this… until I saw the video. Much more tasteless than I could have imagined. What’s next? John Lennon doing Lee Greenwood?

  2. Tasteless? Baseless. Y’all are taking this shit way too seriously. I bet Kurt would have found the thought of himself singing “Fame” fucking hi-larious. If there’s an afterworld, I bet you Kurt’s laughing his ass off right now. The main thing that sucks is he’s not actually HERE to rant (or laugh) at the phonies first exploiting, then kissing his freshly-sainted ass.
    P.S. Tell me you wouldn’t love to see John Lennon doing “God Bless the USA” but on Conan O’Brien, not some dumb-ass video game.

  3. It’s strange how people ascribe this somber, serious anti-major label personality onto Cobain, as if he were the last true critic we had left. I’m a huge Nirvana fan and have read extensively about his life and music. From what I can ascertain, he’s was an extremely funny and intelligent guy, and totally aware of the ironies in Nirvana’s fame. He also had major depression and drug addiction issues, and these ultimately brought him down (despite the fact that I think the case should still be open). Regardless, it was not his inability to deal with the music industry or stardom that lead to his death, and I don’t think he should be a martyr for these causes. He was simply a genius with captivating music and a captivating personality who died much too young. To keep his character out of a rock music video game is basically to ignore his legacy completely. I think the critics who have created their own convenient set of values for this complex personality are the ones who are disrespecting him.
    Daniel Gardner

  4. Uhhhh…Kurt Cobain has done David Bowie covers before. Am I the only one who saw him do “The Man Who Sold the World” on MTV Unplugged. Maybe I am dating myself at this stage.

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