Radio & Satellite

Advice For Musicians In 140 Characters Or Less

image from I recently asked Hypebot's Twitter followers to contribute their best advice to musicians in twitterspeak's 140 characters or less. Below are a few of the best that that I gathered using Twitoaster, a free online utility that threads and archives twitter conversations, bringing context and adding stats to your Twitter communications.

Some of the tweets are philosophical; while others are specific suggestions.  Add yours in the comments section below or reply to this Tweet if you're a Hypebot Twitter follower.  Please also consider a retweet, Digg or otherwise spreading the word.  I'll republish the best in a full post or two here, and if I get enough I may start a daily inspirational Tweet for musicians. What music industry advice can you share in 140 characters or less?

  • mattmacnaughton  September 21, 2009  Reply

    @hypebot The way you communicate to your fans should be just as creative as the music you sell to them

  • piratefetus  September 21, 2009  Reply

    @hypebot Don't expect people to find you. Be active and find THEM. Put a video on YouTube and link it to your site. Get your name out there.

  • formusickind  September 21, 2009  Reply

    @hypebot go direct-to-fan TODAY. use @bandcampyo to sell your music, build an email list, and see stats on where your fans are coming from.

  • nelsonvelazquez  September 21, 2009  Reply

    @hypebot Make sure you label everything in your press kit with your contact info. If it gets separated for some reason, you're in luck!

  • talegends  September 21, 2009  Reply

    @hypebot – advice? mine is to expect to learn the most out of the money you DON'T make.

  • Share your best advice in 140 characters or less.  You can follow @Hypebot on Twitter at
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