
Seth Godin: “Notice Me”

 A few days ago on his blog, Seth Godin wrote:

"Notice me"

If the new web has a mantra, that's it.

So much time and effort is now put into finding followers, accumulating comments and generating controversy… all so that people will notice image from www.edbn.orgyou. People say and do things that don't benefit them, just because they're hooked on attention.

Attention is fine, as long as you have a goal that is reached in exchange for all this effort.

Far better than being noticed:

  • Trusted
  • Engaged with
  • Purchased from
  • Discussed
  • Echoed
  • Teaching us
  • Leading

For the musicians who read Hypebot, and those if us who care about them, I would only add "Listened To".  Judge your online actions and reactions and you'll know if you are on the right path.

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  1. I completely agree, to build on that I think now more than ever the music business is data driven and you need to use tools such as Bandmetrics. Google Alert/Analytics, rockdex etc to track and keep a tally to see if you are being “listened to”
    Time for A/B testing and making sure you adjust accordingly to the responses.
    – Danny

  2. Bravo – this is a great comment. Someone once said to me “It’s all about relationships” and if “Listen To Me” is the only thing on the plate, it’s not really impressive. I recently heard Derek Sivers (CD Baby) give a presentation at the NYC Singer/Songwriter’s Circle and he said the same thing about networking. He suggested that you don’t go in with a user’s attitude, like “what you can do for me”, rather, it’s important to engage people by finding out what their interests are and how they mesh with yours.

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