Music Marketing

Apps Are Like Babies

My favorite line from Midem came in a tweet from @amandapalmer:

"apps are like babies.

easy to conceive and hard to deliver".

Apps were the talk of MidemNet and Midem. Music discovery and delivery apps, streaming apps, artist apps and more. But Palmer is right, apps are easy to conceive and hard to deliver – particularly artist apps.  Good app programmers are in short supply and overworked.  But more than that, do you have the ability to consistently deliver great content; or will your new app just turn into a rss feed of content they can find on Twitter of Facebook?

Staying close to the fans is essential. But their attention is a gift that can be taken away. So it's also imperative that you also not waste their time.

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  1. Babies aren’t hard to deliver, man. People have been doing it for a couple hundred thousand years. It’s only the last 200 or so that we’ve decided it’s this tricky, medical SCIENCE ONLY thing.
    Apps? Yeah, they’re hard to deliver.

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