
Godin: “Great music, like a great idea, spreads.”

image from kmstyling.files.wordpress.com" Great means unsettling. Great means open to criticism. Great means booed off stage.

And great music, like a great idea, spreads. Ideas that spread, win, and so the goal today is not to make great music for 1970 or 1990, but great music for today, for a market that's super picky and selfish and has ADD.

Great is in the ear of the listener, of course, and the definition is simple: if it spreads, then for this market, it's great."

Seth Godin in an interview with Derek Sivers on Sivers.org on his great new book Linchpin: Are You Indispensable?

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1 Comment

  1. Music is just a fraction of potential buyers interests, but there are those with quite long attention spans. It’s just on average that the market might look like it has ADD, but there are niches with potential buyers that have larger attention spans. So he is oversimplifying things in this quote.

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