
More New Music Industry News: France Delays 3 Strikes, Dangerbird, Google Phone, Rhapsody Droid & More

  • image from library.gmu.edu France three strikes law delayed by govt's own data watchdog.  -  The French government department that examines the data privacy implications of new legislation is refusing to sign off on the country's tough new "three strikes" law until it gets more information about what data will be retained… and how. (ars)
  • File-sharer Joel Tenenbaum will fight fine. -  The US student who was fined $675,000 for illegally downloading music has asked a judge to reduce the damages or offer him a retrial.
  • Inside Dangerbird Records – The L.A. indie label moves into a new Barbara Bestor-designed compound in Silver Lake and shares it vision of the new music industry. (Style Section LA)
  • Google introduced its new Nexus One droid phone.(paidContent) Nice phone, but no Spotify as rumored.
  • Rhapsody has added a Android mobile app. (Rhapsody)
  • 10 Strategies for Success from Music Power Network. (Future Of Music)
  • R.I.P Willie Mitchell – Al Green's produce, drummer and shaper of the Memphis sound. Video tribute after the jump:

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