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Video: Shuffle MP3s With Your Bare Hands

Ffd With the shift from physical to digital music formats, many have opined for the days when they could touch their music and hold it in their hands. The folks behind C60 Redux are looking to make that possible again.

The way it works is that they've embedded RFID tags within pieces of paper. Once placed on the C60 platter, they correspond with music on your computer and play it through the speakers. Due to the way that the platform is designed, laying several cards on the surface will cause each song to be played in a counter-clockwise motion. This means that you can shuffle your MP3s with your hands. This is an only a prototype for now, but one day, something like this could make its way to the market. Take a look:

c60 Redux from IDEO on Vimeo.

(via IMissMyPencil, Gizmodo)

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1 Comment

  1. That player gadget with all the cards would be a nice addition to any private party.
    Yet, as a mixtaper, I strongly dislike the shuffle button and its popularity because the shuffle function does not build an emotional arc of suspense over the course of the whole mix.

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