
Aram Sinnreich: “Criminalizing File-Sharing Is… It’s Literally Pathological; It’s Insane.”

image from bestmagicsecretsrevealed.com Aram Sinnreich, a professor at Rutgers University and author of the book Mashed Up, gave this speech at NYU in early December. It starts off a little slow, but it picks up speed as he breaks into music industry analysis. If you're looking for the quote that I pulled from the talk, you'll have to buffer to about an hour in.

In this lecture, he gives a fascinating overview of the legislation that's being used in an attempt to hamper file-sharing behavior. Yes, I did pull out the most sensationalist thing he said. But, listen in, and tell us what you think of Sinnreich. Don't miss our interview him either. Did you enjoy his speech? Take a look:

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1 Comment

  1. Whether the drugs and alcohol have caused permanent brain damage or just precipitated a psychotic event, we are clearly witnessing a very sick man’s very public decent.

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