Social Media

Tim Ferriss’ 4 Big Social Media Marketing Predictions For 2011

image from Tim Ferriss, the author of the #1 New York Times bestsellers The 4-Hour Workweek and the new The 4-Hour Body shares his 4 Social Media Marketing Predictions for 2011:

1. YouTube Beats Yahoo — Video Will Convert

2. The Full Resurrection of E-mail

3. Large Companies Will Waste Money on Vanity Metrics

4. Ads & Conversation Will Impact Different Conversion Rates

More detail from Tim Ferriss @

What are your predictions for social media in 2011?

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  1. Tim Ferris is one of the best snake oil salesmen right now. Everything he says is pure and utter BS.

  2. I respect the fact Tim Ferris has predictions but none of these are really that awe-inspiring for anyone already in social media.

  3. The part about the Zynga billboard was funny: “Dude, that’s not for end users. That’s to get the attention of the bankers driving from SFO to downtown.”

  4. I like No3 the best…
    The great thing about big business is that they love to waste marketing money on branding, when they could put all their dollars into directly acquiring customers and build their business quicker.
    I say this is great because it means that little guys can still compete.

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