
Get Annoying Song Out Of Your Head With UnHearIt

image from unhearit.com Ever had a song stuck playing over and over again in your head, and you just couldn't stop it? (Don't Stop Believing" is creeping in as I write this…) Site and mobile app Unhearit uses "the latest in reverse-auditory-melodic-unstickification technology".

Unhear it allows users to “unhear” songs by hearing equally catchy songs. "So really all we're doing is making you forget your old song by replacing it with another one… sorry." There are free mobile apps for the iPhone and iPod and Android phones.

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  1. Bummer, it sounded pretty interesting. I was guessing it used convolution algorithms to “block” melodies, intervals and transitions like an SSRI does with seratonin…then again, usually what gets stuck is a single, unresolved phrase, so perhaps replaying the phrase and then anchoring/ending it with a big classical chord and holding that for a full minute might also be a good deprogramming trick. I’ll have to try that today.
    Either way, a job for Oliver Sacks and Elena Mannes.

  2. When I get an annoying song or jingle stuck in my head, I mentally replay the opening of Metallica’s “Harvester of Sorrow” which crushes it to dust every time.

  3. I always sing “‘Round Midnight” paying attention to getting the melody REALLY right which is not easy. When I get to the bridge my head is already clear most of the time.

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