Music Marketing

Yogi Tunes Launches With Expansive Range of Genres. Bonus: The Bon Jovi Chant

Yogi-tunes-logo When people think of music for yoga, gentle meditative tracks are what most likely come to mind. With the recent launch of Yogi Tunes, featuring digital music downloads, it's clear that the world of yoga is open to a much broader range of musical genres. This is great news for musicians in well-established niches who want to reach new markets without changing their artistic preferences. MORE plus VIDEO:

Sadie Nardini – The Bon Jovi Chant

Yogi Tunes launched quite recently and certain aspects of the service, including licensing deals with record labels, are still under development. However, scroll down the genres page and you'll find that even seemingly unlikely types of music are part of the mix, including hip hop, electronica, rock and reggae.

Note that not only yoga teachers are featured but that musicians are also being promoted in their own section. In addition, playlists are under development so there are opportunities for promotion that go beyond just having one's music included in the catalog.

Though they currently don't have a public submission process, try using the Contact form to let them know that you or your label are interested in getting involved. Given the incredible growth of yoga and related practices in the States and around the world, outlets like Yogi Tunes could be a great way to build a niche fanbase without compromising your sound.

The founders, Craig Kohland, Amani Friend and Alex King-Harris, not only have a rich history in yoga-related music but have also been involved with such pop pursuits as music video production for artists like Diddy, Outkast, Ludacris, Snoop Dogg, Mariah Carey, Lil Wayne and Mary J. Blige.

And for a unique demonstration of the coming together of seemingly disparate worlds, be sure to check out the above video from one of Yogi Tunes listed teachers, Sadie Nardini.

Hypebot contributor Clyde Smith is a freelance writer and blogger. Flux Research is his business writing hub and All World Dance: World Dance News is his primary web project. To suggest websites and related topics for review, please contact: clyde(at)fluxresearch(dot)com.

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