Live & Touring

Bandsintown & Eventric Partner For VIP Tickets & Merch Sales

Bandsintown-logoBandsintown is teaming up with Eventric to provide special ticket and merch sales via artist's Bandsintown tour dates page on Facebook. Called Specials, the service leverages Eventric's Live Access VIP ticketing platform to offer special items that can be customized by show. It's an add-on service that doesn't require switching ticket vendors but does extend the range of offerings one can make directly to fans.

Bandsintown is a concert listing and discovery service that distributes tour date information to a variety of other services. Their Facebook app is particularly popular.

Eventric provides services for the live entertainment industry including their Master Tour tour management software. They also offer Live Access:

"Live Access is a ticketing system for the private distribution and retail sale of event tickets. It is used by agencies, management companies, fanclubs and bands to efficiently and securely manage their 'friends and family' VIP tickets…Live Access is also an ideal solution for fanclub ticketing – you can choose to make fanclub tickets invite-only or available to the public (or a combination). In addition to tickets, sell merch, MP3 downloads, meet-and-greet packages, and hotel/party packages."

Bandsintown is using Eventric's Live Access service to power Specials as a feature on their Bandsintown Facebook app. Specials might include VIP tickets, merchandise or fan packages.  This is obviously a particularly important area to manage well in order to maximize merch sales and strengthen relationships with superfans.

Artists are charged 10% on all sales via Specials and must handle their own fulfillment.

You can get a nice look at both the front and backend via this walkthrough video. Basic info here.

Hypebot Senior Contributor Clyde Smith blogs about business at Flux Research: Business Changes and about dance at All World Dance: News. To suggest topics for Hypebot, contact: clyde(at)fluxresearch(dot)com.

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