Music Think Tank

The MusicPreneur – Dawn of The Artist/Entrepreneur

everything that is going on in the music business, the time has come
for artists to embrace being an entrepreneur. Thinking as an artist and
entrepreneur will help you see opportunities and force you to learn
certain skills. On Music Think Tank, Jamie Leger encourages artists to
become “MusicPreneurs”, to see the possibilities in the music industry,
and to create value. What are you doing to create value?

“The whole world and the New Music Industry is WIDE OPEN with possibilities, waiting for you to embrace it and contribute something AMAZING!”

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1 Comment

  1. Entrepen-Artist is the term we came up with several years ago here in San Francisco. The dawn actually started in 1999 with and CD Baby allowing artists to sell their own music without the confines of no record label contract. Those bands with Entrepreneurial mindsets took advantage of the technology and furthered their careers.
    It’s Not a new concept and it’s what we teach our clients at Independent Distribution Collective.
    The music business is a business and each band/artist is their own startup company.
    It’s no surprise that much of the technology to help these “startup companies/Entrepren-Artists/Musicpreneurs” has come from the San Francisco Bay Area and Boston-Cambridge; Two areas of the country that breed innovation.
    Since 1997/98 when Internet Music technology for indie artists became avaiable (thanks to MP3), Entrepren-Artists/Musicpreneurs have been the new paradigm in the business of music and have been scaring the hell out of the RIAA.
    Thank you for writing this article to spread the idea and hope that emerging artists will see themselves as entrepreneurs.
    Kurt Andrew, mba
    Founder of chameleon Music and IDCDigital
    San Francisco

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