Apps, Mobile & SMS

What Artists Should Know About ArtistLink

Artistlink_480ArtistLink made it's initial appearance as an extension of the Topspin Media platform and is now on it's way up the food chain towards becoming a control panel of sorts for artists and the music industry. Knowing the tools that are available to you are crucial to being successful in today's technologically advanced culture.

Brian Hazard takes off the gloves and breaks down the good, the bad, and the ugly things pieces of ArtistLink, now owned by Beats Music; and points us in the right direction on Have you used ArtistLink? Join the conversation – let us know what you think!

"If you take a look at my Spotify profile on the desktop app or web player, you’ll see I’m selling stuff! Right there on Spotify! For free! Spotify doesn’t take a cut. Even better, I’m selling from my own site! You can add up to three promotions, directing each to the URL of your choice. For now, they only appear on the desktop app and web player – not the mobile apps. As awesome as this all sounds (to me at least), my ArtistLink promotions boast a whopping 2 clicks. One obvious reason: why would any Spotify user want to buy my albums when they can listen to them on Spotify for free?"

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