
6 Social Media Tips for Entertainers

Social-media-marketing-1024x590Social Media is becoming king in today's music industry. Whether you're just starting out as a DIY indie artist or you're Macklemore & Ryan Lewis, social media is (or should be) a part of your marketing strategy. Social media has changed the way artists can interact with their fans forever and if you're not learning how to stay on top of the trends, you're going to find yourself being swept away by them. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Vimeo, Instagram, SoundCloud, SnapChat, Flickr, Tumblr – the list could go on for days. These are all names you recognize for a reason… 

They've built and established their brand. You know who they are, what they do, and why they do it. It's up to you to use these tools to do the same for your brand. By implementing a strategy that focuses on creating quality content, assessing effort vs. engagement, and efficient use of time and tools, you could alter the course of your career path significantly. Join the conversation with Megan Frisbee as she presents six kep tips for managing your social media on MusicThinkTank.com

"Pay attention to analytics. How many people followed you or unfollowed you? Are your posts getting engagement? What types of posts are getting the most interaction and when were they posted? A few great ways to build up and engage your fan base are to interact with fans personally, share behind-the-scenes photos or videos, and host giveaways! Whenever you can, it’s great to do something nice for your fans. Word of mouth spreads fast, so keep your fans happy!"

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