
5 Portable Must Haves For Musicians

Funny-Musicians-43If you're an aspiring musician, odds are, you spend a lot of your time on the go. Because inspiration is truly something that cannot be scheduled, you have to prepare to have tools at your disposal no matter where you go. Depending on your instrument and it's ability to travel, finding electronic alternatives for road running will save you the hassle of loading and unloading massive amounts of equipment. It's no substitute, but like the other four things, it makes a difference. Never underestimate the power of a notebook on an open road…

Because you may become inspired when you least expect it, having something to jot notes in is often times how the best songs are created. Having a recording device in your bag of tricks is an absolute must as well. When you roll out of bed after a long night of songwriting, the last obstacle you want to battle is recollecting the melody. Do you carry all of these things when you travel?  What are your on-tour portable must haves? Join the conversation on MusicThinkTank.com

"Some things are best done old school. As long as you have a notebook and a pen, you will be able to keep track of chorus lines and lyrics as you think of them."

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