
Musicians as Entrepreneurs

BigBreakFBArticleToday's music industry does not lend itself to a "one-size-fits-all" model of any sort. It takes experimentation and exploration to develop a strategy and to execute it efficiently. Times have changed – no longer do record labels hold and monopolize all the cards of artist discovery. The tech boom has made the tools you need to record your music, manage your music, and get it out to your fans more accessible than ever before – if you know how to utilize them. 

You must know your message or your audience never will. That means you need to know your brand, learn about your audience and then work towards using the tools at your disposal to connect the two. Networking is key to any industry, but if you commit to spending the 10-15 minutes at the end of every performance interacting with your fans, I'll bet you find a little goes a long way quicker than you think. It is so key to surround yourself with people that embrace your mission. Head on over to MusicThinkTank.com as Dave Kusek explores entreprenuerial opportunities in the new music industry. 

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