
How to Perfect Your Band’s Social Media Strategy: The 70-20-10 Rule

UnknownSocial media strategy is a difficult thing to create when you do not know how to begin. In today's article, check out a comprehensive guide on how to build your band's social media strategy using the 70-20-10 rule.


These days, it would be unheard of if a new band did not even think about having a social media presence. But for those bands that are new to the scene, it can be daunting to figure out how to begin building your brand online. What things should you post? What are the best times to post? Is what you are posting helping or hurting your overall image?  Sam Friedman has all of the answers in today's article. 

It is tempting to focus on put everything you can on social media for a while, but according to Friedman this should not be the case. Instead, you should place most of your energy in building your brand for a while ( 70%) and have the rest of your time spent interacting with fans and networking with other artists. What do you think of this theory? Check out Sam Friedman's article on MusicThinkTank.com and let us know in the comments if you agree. 

"Is your band’s social media presence lacking thoughtfully crafted material with keen attention to strong content variety? Oftentimes, bands starting out spend too much time focusing on self-promotion. The conversation is one-directional, leaving followers with no way to engage other than to buy a product. While sales should be an underlying pursuit of social media, building your brand and telling your story in a conversational manner is the real goal. Luckily, there’s a simple, time-efficient equation to give your band’s social media the perfect balance. It’s called the 70-20-10 Rule."

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