Music Business

Top YouTube Trends For 2016

1As social marketing continues to become more visually focused, we're looking at some of the top YouTube trends of 2016 so far, as things like live streaming and VR become increasingly popular among viewers.


Guest Post from Fanbridge

As we’ve mentioned before, social marketing has grown more visually focused in the past year. With live-stream video and VR becoming more accessible, every social platform is adopting new innovations in visual media. We decided to take a closer look at this year’s innovative trends from YouTube, the internet’s visual media haven. 

VR and Live-streaming

YouTube is always keeping ahead of the game. Besides releasing YouTube Red, a subscription based service featuring exclusive content, they’ve also launched support for live-streaming 360 video. Coupled with spatial audio to better immerse users in the experience, creators can live-stream 360 video to fans as if they’re actually there! So long, FOMO. 

See how YOU can live-stream 360 video!

Regular live-streaming has also experienced some major growth in the past year. Between Facebook Live, Periscope and YouTube, there’s no shortage of outlets for live footage or viewers available at any time. It’s an excellent and simple way to generate content but creators must first consider whether live-streaming is a good fit for their brand. 

READ ALSO: Social Trends & Email: Immersive Video

Story Matters Here

In general, YouTube has taken great efforts to become a major content source for millennials. As view counts rise, audiences are proving that they prefer a constant output of quick episodic content over larger productions. This kind of content works with our short attention spans to build relationships with the audience and keep them coming back to continue the story.
As much engagement as constant, episodic content receives, it can not succeed without strong writing to back it up. As creators are working more towards building and sustaining a heavily engaged audience, the demand for thoughtful writing has grown. Creators must now consider the pacing and how the story flows from beginning to end. It can be a major commitment to content creators but it pays off in establishing a relationship with the audience.

FanBridger Issa Rae’s #ShortFilmSundays series uses rich storylines and short time-frames to keep audiences coming back for more!

The number of methods to create excellent content on YouTube is constantly, steadily growing. From immersive live-streaming and story-heavy content to unboxing and reaction videos, there are countless ways to use video to engage fans on YouTube. Don’t miss out!

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