5 Ways To Get On A Spotify Playlist

Getting on a high-traffic Spotify playlist is a great way to draw in listeners to your music, but how do you do it without followers or connections? Here we look. Continue reading

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AM BRIEF: SoundCloud Investors Revealed • Alexa Gets Musical • Bandcamp’s Trans Day • Paperchain Chases $2.5B • More

FRIDAY 8.4.17 Music Business News From Around The Web  We now know the 2 investors brave enough to even consider rescuing SoundCloud. Updated continuously under our More News tab

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Why Does So Much Modern Music Sound The Same? [VIDEO]

Upcoming documentary The Click explores how technology is making modern music bland. Particular focus is given to percussion, where electronically produced beats have replaced live drummers, and those live drummers. Continue reading

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Your Song, Your Money: A Breakdown Of Songwriting Royalties

The world of music publishing and royalties is a tumultuous and complex one, and being able to extrapolate where exactly artists earn their money from in all of it can. Continue reading

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$1.25 Million Lawsuit Accuses Universal Music Of Piracy

Universal Music has always aggressively fought piracy, as have its major music group peers and their trade organization, the RIAA.  So forgive us if we see a big, steaming pile. Continue reading

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20 Best College Radio Stations [Princeton Review Survey]

The annual Princeton Review “Best College Radio Stations” survey has been released based on 137,000 surveys conducted from 382 colleges. For the 2018 list, results reflect responses from the 2016-17,. Continue reading

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Bill Before Congress Rewards Infringers, Punishes Songwriter Victims [David Lowery]

A bill titled the "The Transparency in Licensing Act" but more commonly known as "The Shiv Act" in reality does little in the way of promoting transparency, and in fact. Continue reading

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Why Event Marketers Should Learn To Lean On Their Ticketing Partners

As the one responsible for the marketing of a concert or event, there's typically a great deal of pressure to up the headcount of attendees. One way to ease some. Continue reading

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5 Tips For Saving Money On Tour

Even if you're not selling out stadiums every night, touring can be an incredibly fun and rewarding experience for an up and coming band. If done incorrectly, however, touring can. Continue reading

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Kanye West Takes Insurers To Court Over Tour Cancellation Claims

Kanye West has taken several insurance companies to court, accusing them of failing to pay out on almost $10 million in claims following the abrupt cancellation of the remainder of. Continue reading

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