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Is Spotify Ending Support For Apple’s Safari Browser A Tech Glitch Or A Bitch Slap?

image from users who listen on their Mac or elsewhere using Apple's Safari browser need to find another option. Spotify is no longer supporting the browser, politely suggesting that users switch to Firefox, Opera or Chrome web browsers.



Spotify has offered no explanation for suddenly discontinuing support Apple's Safari browser.

Some techies speculate that it is because the Widevine DRM plugin that Spotify uses to protect its tracks from piracy has compatibility issues with Safari. Others see a small, but not insignificant, diss directed at Spotify's chief rival, Apple Music.

So far, Spotify has not commented.


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  1. Apple has just launched the updated version of safari. In the latest update all type bugs has removes and it consumes less memory and faster than previous version. You should try the latest update.

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