
Is Going Into Music A Good Career Move?

2While many conscientious parents may be eager for their children to take music lessons, the prospect of a full on career in music might be met with less enthusiasm, with guardians often concerned about the income and stability of their charges. Here we look at some of the pros and cons, and whether the music business can provide a suitable career.


In this recent post to MusicThinkTank, Matt Oestreicher tackles the controversial question of whether or not a person should seek a career in music.

"There’s nothing stopping someone who will not be denied from having success in the music industry.  If you show up hungry every day and do whatever it takes you will succeed. However, don’t expect that you will succeed immediately.  You need to be able to give it at least a couple of years. If you don’t find the success that you are looking for in 6 months and are discouraged, perhaps you don’t have the passion that you thought you had for it. "

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