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Worst Countries For Piracy In 2019 Include China, Russia, India, Mexico, Canada

PiracyThe Office of the United States Trade Representative released its 2019 Notorious Markets List which highlights markets that engage in and facilitate substantial copyright piracy and trademark counterfeiting. And yes, both Canada and Mexico made the list.

The report identifies trading countries that do not adequately or effectively protect and enforce intellectual property (IP) rights or otherwise deny market access to U.S. innovators and creators that rely on protection of their IP rights.

Trading partners that currently present the most significant concerns regarding IP rights. The USTR identified 36 countries for these lists in the Special 301 Report:

  • Priority Watch List: Algeria, Argentina, Chile, China, India, Indonesia, Kuwait, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Ukraine and Venezuela
  • Watch List: Barbados, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Greece, Guatemala, Jamaica, Lebanon, Mexico, Pakistan, Paraguay, Peru, Romania, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, Turkmenistan, the United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan and Vietnam

Red the full report here.

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