
5 ways to batch your social media content

Learn how to ‘batch’ your content so you will never be short on posts.

by Madalyn Sklar

When it comes to building your social media presence, consistency is key. You need to make sure you’re showing up regularly and posting valuable content for your audience to consume. Otherwise, they won’t have any reason to follow you or engage with your account. I know that’s often easier said than done though. Sometimes it’s hard to stay on track with content creation!

Luckily, there’s one simple trick you can implement to make it so much easier: batching. In this article, you’ll learn how to batch content for social media like an absolute pro! This way, you’ll never have to worry about your social media scheduler’s queue going empty.

A person sits at a desk using a smartphone with a laptop computer open in front of them. Social media icons representing followers, comments, likes, etc., float from the phone.

What Does it Mean to Batch Content?

Are you guilty of jumping around from task to task throughout your day? Maybe you write a social media caption, create a graphic, and then schedule the post for publication. Well, I hate to break it to you, but that’s not the most productive way to tackle your to-do list or your content creation. Instead, it’s better to get focused and batch your content!

If you were to batch content for social media, you would write all of your social media copy back to back. Then, you would create all of your graphics at the same time. And finally, you’d move on to scheduling the posts. It’s much more efficient than going from one task to another. Plus, once you get into the writing groove, it’s easier to keep going, as opposed to interrupting your flow by creating a graphic, scheduling the post, and going back to writing.

And since we’re always wishing we had more time in the day, isn’t it worthwhile to implement a tip like this that would help you maximize your time?

5 Quick Tips to Batch Content for Social Media

Now that you know what it means to batch, are you ready to get started with batching content? Let’s dive into the tips!

1. Designate Times for Specific Tasks

One of the main reasons to batch content is because it creates consistency. Not only does it help you to become more consistent with posting, but it’s also good for your weekly schedule. That’s because you can designate certain times for specific content creation tasks.

For example, you might want Monday to be when you brainstorm content ideas. On Tuesday, you could begin drafting the copy for all of your social media posts. Wednesday could be when you create any imagery to go along with the posts. And finally, you could schedule everything on Thursday. Alternatively, you could lump everything into one day and set aside specific hours for brainstorming, creation, and scheduling. Whatever works for you!

2. Keep a Running List of Content Ideas

The biggest struggle these days is coming up with fresh and unique ideas that will help you stand out from the crowd. That’s why you want to set aside time to do some major brainstorming. Get inspired by your analytics, comments from your community, industry hot topics, or even your competitors.

Once you begin generating ideas, create a single document where you’ll store all of your ideas. This way, everything is in one place. You can then easily refer to it when it’s time to create your copy. It’ll be a lifesaver when you have to start filling your social media queue.

3. Bookmark Your Favorite Sources for Curated Content

When you batch content for social media, all of your posts don’t have to be original content. You can always share something from another reputable creator in your industry. Make a list of your favorite resources that you know your audience would also find valuable. Then, bookmark those sites in your browser so you can check out their blogs whenever you need some curated content to share on your feed.

4. Start Creating Content

Once you have plenty of ideas at your fingertips, the first step is to write the copy for your social media posts. Make sure your posts are captivating and will add value to your audience.

From there, you can begin working on your imagery. Are you taking photos for your graphics or using stock photos? If so, you’ll need to set aside time to take or source all of your photos at once. After all, it’s easier to take a bunch of different photos while your camera equipment is out. Or you can browse and download all of your stock images at the same time. Once you have everything you need, you can move on to editing and finalizing your graphics.

5. Schedule Your Posts

Now that the content creation portion is done, the final step to batch content for social media is to schedule everything for publication. Scheduling ahead of time makes life so much easier because you don’t have to worry about posting in real time. Plus, you can choose optimal posting times to ensure your content goes out when your audience is most active. That’s a surefire way to boost engagement.

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