
12 live performance and preparation tips for musicians

Whether you’re gearing up to perform for the first time, getting back into the swing of things, or a seasoned pro, we’ve got performance and prep tips to help you make the most of your live music shows.

by Andre Calilhanna of Disc Makers Blog

A three-day pre-performance plan for singers
If you follow the performance prep tips for singers included in this three-day plan, you’ll be prepared for every gig.

Musical improvisation: how to make music in the moment
Becoming fluent with musical improvisation is an attainable goal. Here are some tips to help you grow in that direction and to make your own music improv shine.

Avoiding hotels: How to save money while touring
Hotels can be a huge expense and take a big bite out of the money you make on tour, but they don’t have to. These ideas provide free places to crash and friendships that last a lifetime.

How to make the most of your live music shows
How do you sell out your live music shows, especially if you’re just starting out? Here are some low-cost techniques which are within reach of every musician.

Weather contingencies for your next outdoor gig
Weather can play an adverse or inspirational role in outdoor gigs. Either way, be prepared for anything.

Three approaches to live looping
From tight grooves to swirls of sound, live looping can open up huge opportunities for musical creativity. These three approaches will get you started.

How to preserve and protect your voice before a performance (or rehearsal)
There are lots of common-sense things you should do as a vocalist to keep your instrument in top shape to perform.

Don’t do it alone: Live music event roles
We focus on live music event roles so you can learn how to leverage key services and expertise to help you delegate work so you can focus on creating and performing music.

Ramping up for the big gig
When you’re planning for a big gig, use these strategies to prepare and practice so you play, perform, stream, and record with success.

Work To Create A Killer Live Show
To create a show that packs the house, you have to do more than just play your recorded music live. You have an entire stage to create a spectacle that makes an emotional connection.

Tips for growing your mailing list at the gig
These tips can minimize headaches and maximize success when it comes to connecting with your audience and growing your mailing list at your live shows.

How watching yourself perform can elevate your music
Watching yourself while you perform or practice can help you elevate your music and performance, so find opportunities to gaze while you play and learn from what you see.

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1 Comment

  1. It is really not easy to do a good performance. If you want to improve, you need to consider many aspects. I hope everyone can improve and see your more perfect performance.

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