Music Business

Republican Sen. Josh Hawley proposes a nationwide ban on TikTok

In this op-ed TechDirt’s Kerl Bode argues that Hawley’s real goal is to agitate a xenophobic base and create the flimsy impression that the GOP is “doing something about China.”

Op-ed by Karl Bode of Tech Dirt

Insurrectionist sprinter Josh Hawley has joined the growing chorus of GOP politicians who’ve spent years doing jack shit about U.S. consumer privacy abuses, and now want to pretend that banning a single app — TikTok — will protect American consumers from a problem they themselves created.

Hawley, who also enjoys pretending that he cares about stuff like antitrust reform and monopoly power, insists that a TikTok ban is necessary because he just cares so much about kids’ privacy and mental health:

“TikTok is China’s backdoor into Americans’ lives. It threatens our children’s privacy as well as their mental health,” he said on Twitter. “Now I will introduce legislation to ban it nationwide.”

The problem, as we note every time GOP FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr puts on a similar performance, is that these guys have spent their entire careers fighting against meaningful privacy and security standards, creating the very problem they’re now pretending to address.

They oppose privacy legislation of any kind. They oppose holding companies and executives accountable for privacy abuses. They oppose fighting corruption. They oppose expanding mental health care. And they fight tooth and nail to ensure that privacy regulators at the FTC routinely lack the staff, resources, or authority to police bad actors in adtech/telecom/apps consistently at any scale. 

That has resulted in a parade of companies over-collecting consumer data and then selling access to it to any imbecile with a nickel. As such, banning TikTok does nothing. You’ve singled out one company in an ocean of international companies and services all doing effectively the same thing. And the Chinese government can buy all of this data from a rotating crop of dodgy data brokers

The motivation here isn’t consumer privacy or national security. The Trumpist GOP hasn’t shown itself to be consistent enough politically, ethically, or intellectually to deserve having any of their comments or proposals taken at face value.

I still think the GOP hyperventilation over TikTok is, as most things the modern GOP does, a dumb performance. It agitates a xenophobic base and creates the flimsy impression the GOP is “doing something about China.” And, I’d all but guarantee the GOP-coddling execs at Facebook are working overtime behind the scenes to spread moral panic about a competitor

But, more realistically I think, this hyperventilation over TikTok nudges the ball toward the GOP’s ultimate goal: forcing the sale of the most popular video app in America to one of their cronyistic BFFs. At which point, said BFFs will engage in all the same (or worse) behavior TikTok’s now engaged in. 

Trump clumsily gave this game away a while back when he tried to offload the company to his Republican-allied buddies at Walmart and Oracle. I still think that’s the ultimate goal here. And not because the GOP cares about national security and privacy, but because some rich folks are in their ear drooling over the possibility of owning TikTok’s growing ad revenue.

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