Music Business

Why do we stop discovering new music as we get older?

This week’s Hypebot Flashback Friday resurfaces a post that may have music marketers rethinking their career choices. It’s a study that shows how our musical tastes calcify as young as age 24 and overall listening falls as much as 65% as we become adults.

by Bobby Owsinski of Music 3.0

Taste Lock

It turns out that our musical tastes begin to get locked in stone when we hit 24, but by age 31 we’re in the middle of a musical paralysis that we can’t get out of. Whatever was popular during our teenage years, particularly between the ages of 11 and 14, then that’s what we’re going to listen to from that point on. As a matter of fact, there’s some evidence that our musical tastes are shaped by the very first music we hear, even though we’re very open to just about any type of music until we reach age 11.

major study also found that as we grow older, our music listening time goes from 20% during adolescence to 13% when we become adults.


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