Facebook Music May Launch Next Week

Co-ed Magazine claims to have label sources stating that Facebook is set to announce phase 1 of a major expansion into music at next week’s ad:tech conference in NYC. The. Continue reading

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The Emerging Musical Middle Class Part 2

I wrote on Monday about the emerging Musical Middle Class – a world populated by more artists selling 20-100,00 copies and making a living through direct sales, touring, merch and. Continue reading

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PASTE Magazine Tells Subscribers “Name Your Price”

Taking a page from the Radiohead playbook, beginning today and continuing for the next two weeks, AAA/indie music magazine PASTE is letting readers name the subscription price.  New or renewing. Continue reading

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EMI And imeem Partner For Viral Song & Video Streaming

Music centric social networking site imeem and EMI today launched free ad supported on-demand full song and video streaming of EMI’s global digital catalog. Sony, Warner and a number of. Continue reading

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Friendster Opens To Developers. Joins MySpace & Facebook.

Friendster has opened its platform to outside developers for a November 30th launch of the social networking site’s first collection of widgets. They will allow developers to keep 100% of. Continue reading

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iLike And Billboard Team For Two New Charts

Billboard and iLike.com have teamed to create two social media based music charts drawing from the daily music activity that iLike tracks across the net. The weekly charts will be. Continue reading

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100 Music Promotion Tips: What Works For You?

We’ll publish the final 10 of the 100 Free & Affordable High and Low Tech Music Promotion Tips on Monday. But as we edit the final 10 we’d love input. Continue reading

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Radiohead P2P Numbers Soar. Is The Experiment A Failure?

Despite Radiohead offering their new release at a "pay whatever you want to" price, more than 500,000 copies have already been traded on P2P networks and the number is growing.A. Continue reading

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MySpace & Google To Open Platforms. Music Promo 2.0 Has Arrived.

Following the Facebook lead, MySpace is preparing to open its platform to developers of outside applications that integrate with the service.  According to reports the service will be unveiled next. Continue reading

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100 Free & Affordable High & Low Tech Music Promotion Tips – Part 9

81. Venues and promoters should work make it easier and cheaper on fans to buy tickets online. There are always going to have to be some fees, but some services. Continue reading

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