How To Use Facebook Questions To Increase Fan Engagement

Facebook recently released Facebook Questions, a new feature which allows users to harness the power of the crowd – the crowd of course, being their social network. Using Facebook Questions,. Continue reading

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Confidential MySpace Document Projects $165 Million Loss This Year Alone

A confidential official MySpace document projects total revenue for fiscal 2011 ending June 30th to be $109 million. Expenses for the year are projected at $274 million. That means that,. Continue reading

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How To Increase Engagement In Facebook Wall Posts, A Statistical Review

Buddy Media, a company that provides a "social media platform" for Facebook marketing, recently released a free white paper titled Strategies for Effective Facebook Wall Posts: A Statistical Review. The. Continue reading

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Soundcloud Launches “Takes Questions” Audio Q & A Platform. We’ve Got Private Beta Invites

(UPDATED) SoundCloud launched a new site, Takes Questions, in today, which enables users to take questions and leave audio answers from a customizable web page.  For musicians and others, Takes. Continue reading

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D.I.Y. Music — When Artists Become The Product

UPDATED: This guest post is by (@wgruger) William Gruger. And read a reaction to this post from Tunce Core CEO Jeff Price here. It seems like there is an Internet outlet. Continue reading

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HOW TO: Make The Most of Your Facebook Page

This guest post comes from Eilish Burke of Amp Music Marketing. It's 2011 and every artist worth their salt has a Facebook fan page. But keeping yours up to date. Continue reading

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Free Book Giveaway – Ariel’s New Book: Musician’s Roadmap To Facebook And Twitter

Music publicist and blogger extraordinaire Ariel Hyatt of Ariel Publicity and Carla Lynne Hall have a brand-new book out called Musician's Roadmap To Facebook And Twitter. To win 1 of the 3 books. Continue reading

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NewsCorp Begins MySpace Auction Wednesday

It feels like a race to the bottom, but at least the action has finally begun.  After months of publicly bashing MySpace, parent NewsCorp is reportedly beginning the sale process. Continue reading

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Facebook Is NOT The Sales Tool You’d Hoped For [CHART]

It's pretty well proven that Facebook is a great way to find fans and communicate with them. But is it also a great place to sell? Some music commerce services. Continue reading

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How Many People Really Use Twitter? A Lot, But Fewer Than You Think [CHART]

Facebook has 600 million visitors every month and half that visit every day.  But how many users does Twitter have and how active are they?  The Twitter about page says. Continue reading

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