Taylor Swift Is Now On Spotify (Well, Not Exactly)

Although Taylor Swift pulled her original version of 1989 from Spotify, it may soon be possible (thanks to a compulsory license) to hear a cover version recorded by singer-songwriter Ryan Adams.

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Does Spotify’s New Lyrics Feature Violate U.S. Copyright Law?

[UPDATE 2] The centerpiece of today's Spotify web upgrade is a Lyrics button that delivers lyrics from MusixMatch scrolling across the screen karaoke style. (see video below) But the new. Continue reading

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‘Us the Duo’ Goes Viral On Vine, Calls Record Deal An Accident

Michael and Carissa Alvarado of the group Us the Duo, otherwise known as Vine's first viral music sensation, first graced the internet with a #6SecondCover of John Legend's "All of. Continue reading

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Spotify Upgrades App With Gestures, Touch Preview

Spotify has followed the lead of hot apps like Snapchat adding swiping gestures. An upgraded iOS app adds Touch Preview which allows users to preview a song from a playlist,. Continue reading

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