Social Media Analytics For Musicians [Dave Kusek]

Social media is one of a musician’s best tools when it comes to reaching their fanbase, but it can also be the most frustrating aspect of an artist’s career. You can spend a lot of time posting only to have your posts only reach a small fraction of your followers on Facebook or receive no engagement on Twitter.
Of course, there are a lot of articles written on this topic that will give you all kinds of tips and tricks to boost the activity on your social media pages and grow your following. You should definitely take some time to familiarize yourself with the platforms, different engagement strategies, and the Facebook algorithm, and this free guide is a great place to start. But if you’re still struggling to make an impression, it’s time to look inward.

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Creating Transparency In The Music Industry

While the digital music industry has made leaps and bounds over the past few years, it still fails to provide artists with easy access to real-time data regarding their listeners.. Continue reading

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