How to increase your chances of getting on a Spotify playlist

For those artists eager to grow their audience and get their music heard on a global scale, landing on a high-profile Spotify playlist is one of the best things that. Continue reading

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4 steps for creating a music marketing budget – 2021 edition

When you’re getting serious about your music career, one of the most important things you can do is create a marketing budget. This might seem both boring and intimidating, so. Continue reading

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Def Jam Senior Director of Marketing Justin Duran on leveraging data

Def Jam’s Senior Director of Marketing, Justin Duran, explains how data can be leveraged to help artists forge powerful (and profitable) connections with fans. Guest post by Erica Campbell of. Continue reading

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How to narrow down your music strategy into manageable steps

Here we explore how to break up an otherwise Sisyphean music marketing strategy into more manageable and actionable steps. Guest post by Sara-Lena of Blackbird Punk Music Strategy is a. Continue reading

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Guide to releasing an album so people actually want to buy it

In an industry landscape so heavily dominated by the release of singles, releasing full length albums is still incredibly important for artists, an if you can release an album that. Continue reading

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Are you ready for Music PR? [Ariel Hyatt]

Music PR can be a major undertaking for a band or artist. Here, PR expert Ariel Hyatt of CyberPR offers some guidance. Guest post by Andre Calilhanna from the Disc. Continue reading

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How the Instagram algorithm works and how to make it work for you

Given how important Instagram has become as a music marketing tool, it’s important to get the drop on it wherever possible. These key facts about the platform’s algorithm could be. Continue reading

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How to market better by defining fan demographics

Every band and artist wants more people listening to their music, but how can you tell who actually wants to hear it? In this piece, we dig into how to. Continue reading

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A look inside The Orchard’s radio promo team for indie music

Radio remains an important determinate in the success of many artists, and VP of Promotion Billie Jean Sarullo and her team at indie distributor The Orchard is on the frontlines. Continue reading

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How to draw more viewers for a music livestream

Just like performing a concert in person, artists going to the trouble of performing a livestream show want a large, engaged audience on the other side of the camera. Here. Continue reading

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