Why do musicians always feel disappointed about their career?
Are you struggling to meet your own expectation as a musician in today's music business? You aren't the only one. With instant access and free streaming being the status quo,. Continue reading
Why You Should Consider Non-Traditional Marketing
There is no easy way around it – change is hard. There are many benefits to old-school marketing but there are certainly perks to thinking outside the box. What if. Continue reading
How To Write A Song If You’re Aiming For The Charts
Have you ever walked into the studio with no inspiration and bashed out a song just because you know you're supposed to? Let's be real – so has everyone else.. Continue reading
How To Promote Your Music – The Ultimate Guide
If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you have always gotten. Tired of getting the same dead-end advice that sets you on a. Continue reading
MusicThinkTank | October’s Most Popular Posts
We take great pride at MusicThinkTank.com in being a resource for all who comprise today's music industry. We appreciate the conversations you start, the advice you share, the projects you promote, and. Continue reading
The Future of Music Marketing: Direct to Device
We talked last week about technology and how its rapid evolvement is revolutionizing the world we live in and this week, we want to continue that conversation. Music marketing isn't. Continue reading
Legal Landmine: Playing Music In A Business
True or False: If a song is available on iTunes its free and clear for you to play in your place of business. False. Just because you bought it doesn't. Continue reading
How To Succeed In The Music Industry On Your Terms
Every success comes with sacrifice and to every person those two things look different. You must decide what defines success for you personally and how hard you're willing to work. Continue reading
7 Music Marketing Truths ALL Musicians Should Know
Knowing how to market yourself and your music is a crucial piece of the new music business. In order to maximize your exposure you must carefully plan and implement practical. Continue reading
8 Effective Ways to Better Promote Your Next Release
Carefully planning the release of new material is critical to the success of anyone in the new music business. Looking ahead, utilizing the resources readily available, and fostering connections allow. Continue reading