Did Apple Marketing Rip Off OK Go Or Did They Simply Improve Upon Their Idea?

Joshua Brustein at Businessweek looks at the possibility that a new Apple commercial is a ripoff of the original concept for OK Go's "The Writing's On the Wall" music video.. Continue reading

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Tango Launches Channels With Spotify, Vevo, 8tracks and OK Go Among Launch Partners [Updated}

Tango continues to expand the marketing possibilities on its highly popular messaging app. In April they added a news feed which opened up some marketing options. Yesterday they launched Tango. Continue reading

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OK Go At Cannes: Official Video Winner Announced, Brand Partner For Completed Album TBD

OK Go, well-known for their creative work with music videos, outsourced their next one to the Saatchi & Saatchi Music Video Challenge. The winner was announced last week at Cannes. Continue reading

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OK Go, This American Life Team For Unique Music App Magic

Guest post by Andy Cush of Evolver.fm. At first glance, This American Life and OK Go don’t have much in common. The former is a talk radio show known for. Continue reading

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