SoundExchange’s Michael Huppe On Standing Up For The Value Of Music [INTERVIEW]

In this interview Michael Huppe, the president and CEO of SoundExchange, discusses his organization's position in the ever-changing music industry industry as its role in the streaming marketplace continues to. Continue reading

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SoundExchange Asks Copyright Royalty Board For Major Rate Increases

SoundExchange has submitted a new rate proposal for Sirius XM, Music Choice and Muzak to U.S. Copyright Royalty Judges that will cover October 2018 – 2022.

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7 Things I Wish I’d Been Told About Releasing Music

Hindsight is always twenty-twenty but sometimes other people are helpful enough as to make mistakes for you. Here a once-awful music producer shares seven things he wishes he'd known about. Continue reading

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Paying For The Album Does Not Mean The Artist Gets To Own The Album (Why Record Contracts Are Horrible For Artists)

In this excerpt from Ryan Kairalla's new book "Break the Business: Declaring Your Independence and Achieving True Success in the Music Industry," we get an unvarnished look at what it really. Continue reading

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The Lost Art Of Music Manifestos

Back in the day bands and artists, in addition to releasing music, would publish "music manifestos" as a way of spreading their artistic vision, impacting culture, and promoting social change.. Continue reading

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Songwriters Just Got Screwed: Here’s How

Here a music industry lawyer lays out exactly what went down with the recent consent decree review, and how the decision put forth by the Department of Justice is bad. Continue reading

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Do Modern Artists Really Need Record Labels?

Do artists operating in today's music economy really need record labels to succeed, or can they simply rely on administrative royalty collection services like Kobalt? The answer may depend on. Continue reading

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Shakeup At Retail Music Distribution As Alliance Acquires ANconnect

Physical music sales may be tanking, but its still an important component of the industry's bottom line. Along with sales shrinkage inevitably comes consolidation, and its against that backdrop that. Continue reading

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10 Tips For Sending Songs

When sending either beats or songs to someone in hopes of landing a placement, there are certain rules one should follow that will greatly increase their chances of success. Here. Continue reading

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“Happy Birthday” Officially Enters Public Domain

After a long legal battle, "Happy Birthday To You" has entered the public domain. It's part of a growing list of "moder" songs whose legal status is shifting as copyrights. Continue reading

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