Last Week in DIY & Indie Music: TikTok • Bandcamp • Playlist pitches • Threads • More

This week, our news, tips, and advice for independent and DIY artists covered TikTok, playlist pitching, Bandcamp updates, how to optimize your email marketing, what’s changed with the Latin Grammys, and more…..

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Independent artists are getting caught in UMG TikTok takedowns

While some independent artists view UMG’s battle with TikTok as an opportunity, others struggle as their music is banned from the platform….

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TikTok accuses UMG of ‘greed above the interests of artists’ [Full Text]

TikTok has responded to UMG’s announcement that it will pull all its music off the popular platform today, January 31, 2024, after the two could not reach a new licensing. Continue reading

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music business news

TOP POSTS – Last week’s most-read posts: Spotify layoffs and royalties • iHeart BMI sale profits • TikTok • More

Catch up on what everybody has been talking about with last week’s most-read posts. We’ve got topics ranging from Spotify layoffs and royalty battles to new TikTok artist features, radio injustices,. Continue reading

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